Thursday, March 21, 2013

Hmmm - How can we minimize the environmental impact of yet another new McMansion in our midst?

Please click image to enlarge. Salient points:  Before 28 March, you may contact the planner, Lezanne Jeffs at the County Planning Dept, 701 Ocean Street, 4th Floor, Santa Cruz, 95060. (Her tel is 831-454-2480.)  County Supervisorial District Number One. Supervisor John Leopold is the Head Honcho for the neighborhoods near Schwan Lake.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

More Denizens of Schwan Lake


Let us know if you have any photos to share of wildlife from Schwan Lake.  Check out this green heron. There are nesting herons, egrets and cormorants on the west shore of Schwan. Not to mention the variety of critters in this nature reserve. A raccoon and four skunks, also known as polecats, were sighted recently. And a young coyote wandered the shore as well